About Us
Dedication to serve the humanity gives motivation for the formation of ALOK. Actually, a group of dedicated social activists met together in 1980s and discuss about the multi dimensional exploitation of the down trodden of this region comprises of SCs, Sts, EBCs minorities and women and showed their devotion to work against such exploitation. ALOK is the out come of that devotion.
Aims & objectives of ALOK
After taking decision of constitute a non-governmental organization for socioeconomic & educational upliftment of excessive exploited persons of the society, for its long live its aims and objectives are decided by the general body of ALOK, Aims and objectives of ALOK are as follows
Aims of ALOK
To create awakening among the poorest of the poor rural people of the area of their rights and duties in society and the value of self help, cooperation and truthfulness in planning and execution of their development programmes.
Towards achievement of the above objectives, to organize associations of the rural poor, helping them in designing suitable working systems and training them in organizational, managerial and economic, aspects to run such organization. Towards this and, ALOK will trance out, train and support the local leadership to make such organizations self managed.
To create infrastructure in the area of operation, in all the aspects of development like economic, agricultural and allied areas the agro and non agro industries. educational, health. ALOK will collaborate with Governmental and non governmental agencies to strengthen such infrastructures.
To help the organization of the rural poor in the procurement of finance by way of loan, contribution and donation from individuals and different financial assisting agencies.
To introduces in the area of its operation modern technology, appropriate to the rural conditions, in all walks of life.
To employ persons for the purpose of ALOK and to give salaries, wages and other emoluments and to provided superannuation benefits to them.